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Skingredients by the Skin nerd banner

Skingredients is an award-winning skincare range created in Ireland by Jennifer Rock, the CEO of The Skin Nerd. Skingredients is an all-inclusive skincare range that all genders, ages, and skin types can use.

Fragrance-free, cruelty-free, and using active ingredients Skingredients can be mixed and matched to resolve skin issues. Skingredients is Ireland’s skincare range that produces popular products such as the Sally Cleanse, Skin Good Fats, Skin Shield, and Skin Protein. These product has active ingredients such as Vitamin A and Lactic acid and is full of good fats, which help with oiliness, dullness, and dry skin.

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Skingredients is an award-winning skincare range created in Ireland by Jennifer Rock, the CEO of The Skin Nerd. Skingredients is an all-inclusive skincare range that all genders, ages, and skin types can use.

Fragrance-free, cruelty-free, and using active ingredients Skingredients can be mixed and matched to resolve skin issues. Skingredients is Ireland’s skincare range that produces popular products such as the Sally Cleanse, Skin Good Fats, Skin Shield, and Skin Protein. These product has active ingredients such as Vitamin A and Lactic acid and is full of good fats, which help with oiliness, dullness, and dry skin.

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